Computer : Introduction

 Computer : 

The word "computer" comes from the word "compute" which means to calculate something.

So a computer is normally considered as a computing device which performs arithmetic operations at an enormous (very high) speed.

In fact, the original objective of invention of computer was basically to create a fast calculating machine. But nowadays more than 80% of the work done by computer is of non-mathematical or non-operational nature.

Thus we can say that computer is an electronic device which accepts data as input, process that data according to instructions given by user through a software program and produces some output.


Full form of computer : 

The full form of computer is,
  • C : Common
  • O : Operating
  • M : Machine
  • P : Purposely
  • U : Used for
  • T : Technological and
  • E : Educational
  • R : Research

Common Terms used in Computer Science: 

Data : Data are collection of raw facts which consists of basic facts and figures. The word "raw" means that facts have not yet been processed to reveal their meaning.

For example : Data can be in form of numbers, texts, images or videos or it can be any form.

Information : Information is the result of processing raw data to reveal it's meaning. Data processing means to organizing data. Data in Information must be properly formatted for storage, processing and presentation.

For example : Data in the form of table or graphics format.

Program : Set of instructions written in programming language to tell computer to perform a given task.

For example : Program for addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, Program for display table of 2.

Algorithms : An algorithm is step-by-step instructions to solve a given problem.

For example : Algorithm for making a tea, Algorithm for sum of two numbers.

Difference between an Algorithm and a Program : Programs are executed by computers and are written in programming languages. Whereas algorithm can be written in any language you want (in language that you can understand) and can be executed by both computers as well as by human beings.

Hardware : Physical components of a computer like monitor, CPU, mouse or keyboard. You can touch hardwares.

Software : Software is set of programs to operate computers or tell computers what task to be performed and how.

For example : Media, Acrobat and Music etc.

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